Knowne World Equestrian Awards
As of 2016
Compilation By Baroness Brenna MacGrioghair
revision by Donwenna La Mareschale 2016

Why institute the Golden Lance award in Kingdoms? 
A short commentary by  THL Donwenna La Mareschale

Right now the Golden Lance is an award that is given in Atlantia, Ansteorra, Caid, and Trimaris, East, and Aethelmarc.  I  guess what I find compelling  about the whole discussion is to look at the big picture and see what we equestrians have accomplished over the course of 50 years in the SCA and compare that to what the Rapier community has done  in a lot shorter time. Obviously the archers saw the correlation. Having fought the battle on the corporate level to  retain equestrian activities and to get the BoD to 'allow' us to do more, I can see how a 'universal award' would give us the widespread recognition and support and credibility we certainly need.  

As a side note, most kingdoms have signed onto the White Scarf Treaty that recognizes the grant level polling award for Rapier Combat.

Even nowadays, we equestrians are still having problems on a corporate level, like having to pay extra to order an equestrian  Insurance certificate.   We need to integrate ourselves more into the SCA and a universal award would help  do that for us. Most importantly we  would have the widespread recognition that comes with an  Interkingdom Grant Level  Award and the backing of the Royalty because they are the ones who award it. Once that happens, the Peers will have a better understanding of who we are and what we do.  Ultimately even the BoD (which is usually comprised of Peers)  will be more welcoming to our equestrian activities and listen to our suggestions.\

If you think about it, this is a long time coming and a well deserved recognition for our activity. The benefits would be immense if the Golden Lance was instituted in all Kingdoms. See below for more information about the charter and treaty for the Golden Lance.

 The Premiers in Ansteorra are  Sir Henri and Sir Alexis
 The Premier in Trimaris is  Baroness Brenna MacGrioghair 
 The Premier in CAID Is Dame Arabella
 The Premiers in Atlantia* are Master Terafan and Syr Alain de la Rochelle
 Principal in AEthelmearc is Mistress Shishido Tora (Gozen) of AEthelmearc - read her article on the Golden Lance of AEthelmearc
 Update!  The East Kingdom also has the Golden Lance 

*(left below ): the Atlantian medallions are inscribed.  (right )The Atlantian medallion is dependant from a leather collar with the motto of the recipient.  

This page was last updated on: November 21, 2017
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 Treaty of the Golden Lance
We, the kingdoms signatory to this treaty, desire to offer deserved and due 
recognition to those in Our respective kingdoms who have demonstrated 
exceptional expertise in the arts of equestrian activities and who have, 
through service to the equestrian community, advanced those arts and 
promoted them; and

We desire to promote the equestrian arts within Our separate realms, and to 
other realms, by this recognition of exemplar individuals; and

We desire to establish in, between, and throughout Our realms a singular 
order to accomplish this recognition, such that all who hold membership in 
this order will be recognized equally for their skills and service to the 
equestrian arts among and within all kingdoms signatory to this treaty; and

We desire to register this order name and similar badges for each kingdom 
signatory to this treaty with the College of Arms.

Article the First ~
We do each therefore establish, create, and recognize within Our separate 
realms, according to Our kingdom law and the Laws of Arms, the Order of the 
Golden Lance. Further, We each declare that a member of this order 
inducted in any other kingdom signatory to this treaty shall be welcomed in 
all of Our realms and accorded the rights and precedence granted to Our own 
kingdom's members of this order. We do not, save only by the terms of 
other treaties in force if any are applicable, grant to any other kingdom 
the right to confer membership in this order upon one of Our populace 
without prior consultation with Us or Our successor Kings and Queens.

Article the Second ~
We do each grant to each and every other kingdom signatory to this treaty 
permission to conflict with our respective name and badge registrations for 
this Order of the Golden Lance for purposes of each kingdom's registration 
of the order with the College of Arms. We do each recognize that such 
permission granted cannot be revoked once registrations are 
completed. This treaty text shall be included with each registration of 
name or badge to the College of Arms and shall constitute documentation of 
such permission to conflict as the College may require.

Article the Third ~
We each mutually recognize that the name of this order registered to each 
signatory kingdom will add the kingdom name to the end of the 
phrase: "Order of the Golden Lance of".

Article the Fourth ~
We each mutually recognize that the badge registration by each signatory 
kingdom for this order will include the charge of "a lance Or" as either a 
primary charge or as an overall charge, all other badge components to be 
determined by each signatory kingdom. We each further mutually declare 
that members of this order are at any time entitled to wear either the 
badge of this order of the kingdom in which they were made members or the 
badge of the order of the kingdom in which they currently reside.

Article the Fifth ~
We do each direct and charge, through enactment of this treaty, Our 
respective Colleges of Heralds to speedily register the order name and 
badge for Our respective kingdoms with the College of Arms.

Article the Sixth ~
We, the kingdoms signatory to this treaty, do further declare Our intent to 
encourage other realms in the pursuit of the equestrian arts and to welcome 
such kingdoms who pursue these ideals to join this treaty as they may desire.

By Our Hands, duly witnessed by Our Principal Heralds, do We enact these 
articles and make their terms binding as law in Our respective kingdoms in 
accordance with the procedures and laws of Our kingdoms.

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